Rhonda Morrison
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Hey yall! I am Cajun born and raised. I moved to Texas as fast as I could. I spent most of my young adult life raising my sons and honing my skills in the kitchen. I have worked in restaurants for years. But my passion is inspiring others to get in the kitchen and develop their own culinary prowess.
I started out in my foodie career making videos and writing recipes for a cooking competition utilizing YouTube back in 2008. In 2010, I created a chili recipe that won at a Houston Texans chili cookoff. My bestie recommended that I submit it to the Today Show. On February 4, 2011, I won that competition on the Today Show with my Bayou City Chili.
After that, I was hooked! I competed and won many other recipe contests. I have been a judge at BBQ and chili cook offs. I had my own cooking column in the Fort Bend Herald. I was the Sunny Chef on Sunny 99.1 in Houston. I even became a chef instructor for cooking classes.
Through it all, sharing the joy that I get from cooking has been my purpose. It lead me to my heart and my man. We met at a neighborhood crawfish boil. Neil, a fellow foodie and pit master, is my taste tester and is an OU alumni. To say we are Southern is putting it mildly!
My hope is that you find value in my pages of stories and recipes. Thank you for reading my bio. Thank you for visiting my website. And thank you for sharing this passion with me!